A fox never forgets.
Whether it’s a name, a face, or even a sparkling conversation, the fox always remembers a good time. The secret? Sessionable alcohol. Until recently, people had to choose between nursing a drink or savouring the moment. That was before sessionable alcohols poured into the rescue.
So, what is ‘sessionable’ anyway?
The word is commonly used to describe a drink that’s easily drinkable, light, refreshing or all of the above. Typically, their ABV% ranges from 4% to 6%. But that’s just the meaning and chemistry of it.
Thirsty Fox is the perfect sessionable drink. It’s deliciously fresh, helps you drink responsibly, experiments with new flavours and favourites, and keeps the conversation flowing just as smoothly. Goes great with good company, any time of the day or night.
Don’t just take our word for it. Pick up Izzy for brunch, or keep going with Reed late into the evening. Gatherings typically last a couple of hours, but that’s before you invite a fox over.
Put simply, it’s for more times worth remembering.