What have the Romans ever done for us?

Roman soldiers travelled thousands of miles to extend the boundaries of the Holy Empire. They arrived tired and thirsty in foreign lands and watched the locals’ strange habits with amusement.

In what’s now Great Britain, Italian centurions discovered the local Celts drinking fermented crab-apple juice. Miles from home in, a cold, far-flung corner of the empire, the invaders took a liking to the apple tipple. Conquering continents is thirsty work after all. So much did they enjoy this exotic drink that casks of cider were sent back to Rome. And that’s how cider made its debut on the global stage, two millennia ago.

Since then it’s been transported from one place to another, as groups travelled to conquer and trade. Long traditions of cider-making exist across Europe and in North America. In each place the business of growing and harvesting the apples differs slightly to suit local conditions and tastes. European farmers preferred grafting their apple trees for a more predictable crop. This meant that apples became more uniform with a standard taste. Americans, on the other hand, let Nature take its course and ended up with more variety.

Thirsty Fox has taken its inspiration from the American style. We search for the finest apples, handle them with care and wait patiently while they ferment. We call it ‘The Art of Nature’. It’s a time-honoured tradition, handed down for centuries.

Let’s raise a glass to the conquerors and the curious.